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How To Sell More (By Acting Like a Shy Person)

Peter Kozodoy logo Posted Monday February 17th, 2020 How To Sell More (By Acting Like a Shy Person)

Introverts Sell Better Than Extroverts

Is that true? Actually, it is. On sales teams, typically, introverts outsell extroverts over time.


It's simple: Extroverts are confident in themselves. They easily handle conversations, and get along with everyone. They have a natural "gift of gab," that allows them to coast through social situations without much thought.

The problem? That same carefree nonchalance is also their downfall.

See, making sales and creating effective marketing is all about consistency. And extroverts are never consistent -- in fact, half the time they don't even know what they're saying because it's all flowing naturally to them.

So after an extrovert goes to a sales call, what then? How does anyone know what worked, or what didn't, in order to make strategic changes for next time?

Now think of an introvert. Petrified of speaking. Scared of what people might think. Actually, this is perfect.

An introvert can't sell off-the-cuff, so she needs a system. She needs a script. She needs to strictly adhere to a guideline, because without that crutch, it would be impossible to even try.

And since an introvert will stick to the script every time, anyone can analyze the results of the system and improve it.

And guess what? Who's going to quickly adopt the new system? Introverts.

What would an extrovert do if you handed them a new system? Typically, an extrovert will say, "I don't need a system! My personality does the selling!"

Yeah. OK, boss.

There are 2 points to take home, here.

  1. If you're an introvert, don't panic. Instead, create a system, or better yet, hire a sales and marketing coach to help you create a system.
  2. Systems sell better than any human ever could, because they can be analyzed and improved over time.
So brush off that fear of presenting. That very fear might be your greatest strength, if you can accept it and use it wisely!

So, to recap:

  • Extroverts rely on their personality to sell, and their personality is variable. That means no one can analyze what's working and what's not, which means the sales system can't be improved over time.
  • If you're an introvert, don't panic. Instead, create a system, or better yet, hire a sales and marketing coach to help you create a system.
  • Systems sell better than any human ever could, because they can be analyzed and improved over time.
Pro Tip: Never guess at what kind of system sells better than another. This is an area where you should get expert help from people who have sales and marketing experience in order to save you the headache of making the same mistakes that others have already made and can help you avoid!

If you're interested in learning more about introverts and sales, check out the new book, The Introvert's Edge, by Matthew Pollard.