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Success is one of those nebulous topics that everyone defines differently. Then there are those - like me - who are still trying to figure out exactly what it is. But, no matter how you define success, I'm 100% confident that there is only one thing you can do to guarantee your own success: Be a lifelong learner.
Learning is another one of those nebulous concepts, for some. By definition, it's the pursuit of knowledge; however, I'd argue that learning is about so much more than simply the acquisition of knowledge. For instance, this past year, I've learned a great deal about how to write a book and develop a personal brand. Trust me when I tell you that I learned perhaps 15% more knowledge, but - more importantly - I've learned 85% more about myself and my own entrepreneurial path.
This is what learning does to us; learning is not a destination, but a journey in which one rarely knows what the exact outcome will be. The identity of being a lifelong learner can be enough to propel you to yet unknown heights in both your personal and professional lives. You'll meet like-minded people who share your passion, and together those bonds will even further strengthen your achievements. Furthermore, the open-mindedness that comes along with lifelong learning will open you up to opportunities that you may not have otherwise been able to identify.
In Entrepreneur's Organization, of which I'm a member, we have a saying: It's not always about what occurs to you, but also about what occurs to you. In other words, something doesn't have to happen to me physically in order for me to see the world in a whole new way. Something may just very well don on me that changes my outlook forever. In those moments, I believe, we can gain incredible insights that propel us to success.
Ultimately, I've come to realize that continual learning is the only path to success. That's because success isn't the final destination; it's the journey itself.
See you on the way up!
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